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I would like the info on the geared feed
Two hundred bolts might take longer to finish than the inspection model.
Very nice Jerry. I see you made it direct drive. Do you have a way to set headspace or does it matter?Mike
You are tooooooo much....Love it
My wife decided she wants the 12 lb modelwhen I’m finished with the bolts, also wantedher name on it, in Kanji ( She’s Japanese )
How do you get those surfaces with no hint of tooling marks?
With the stick do you have the stick down close enough to the carrier only one shell can come out and as it rotates to the next barrel the next shell loads?
I received the 200 bolts Saturday morning.After spending 3 to 4 hours unwrapping, counting, an inspecting,I realized how much more time it took to get them to this point.Thank You gbull , for your many hours.Thank you and the others for motivating me to act and quit being a lurker on this forum.