Author Topic: New Source for Gatling Gun drawings  (Read 746 times)

Offline Richard Morton

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New Source for Gatling Gun drawings
« on: May 29, 2022, 09:24:14 PM »

So I created an RG-G compatible Fusion 360 model.  It's complete as to the gun and optional bolts.  No carriage.  In my opinion, many of the drawing errors from the RG-G plans have been addressed though just as certain likely made a few new ones.  I have been trying to run down any of Paul's family to see if the rights or materials are obtainable, and so far, all I have accomplished is crickets.  I am not even really sure about how Paul's copyright might extend to my Fusion model or not. 

Here is the question, I would like to know how much interest there is in keeping these guns alive?  Is there a market that might offset some of the time I have invested in the Fusion model and the added time I would have to invest some time and energy in making the 2d drawings?  I'm a bit skeptical there is enough interest judging by the response for my version of Cutter's bolts.  (Despite that, I'm working on reproducing the Gary Bull Ejectors and should have some in the near future.)  Please respond and let me know your thoughts so I can arrive at some decisions about proceeding or not.   

BTW.  Regardless of how this post turns out, I hope you all have a solemn and memorable Memorial Day day to remember America's fallen heroes.
